This is an update on the Save Ravenswood Village campaign

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Absolutely incredible… over 62,000 people support our community campaign to Save Ravenswood Village!! Thank you with all our hearts for signing this petition and showing your love and support for Ravenswood.

I’m excited to share with you that the campaign has caught the attention of the BBC!!

Phil Kennedy from BBC Radio Berkshire asked us for an interview which featured on their drive time show highlighting the fantastic life experiences, unique services and loving community provided by Ravenswood Village for so many, as well as the potential catastrophic impact closure would have. Here is the interview with Sharon and myself…

Norwood’s Trustees have now delayed the decision on the future of Ravenswood to end of January 2022. WE NEED YOUR HELP: Please take 1 minute and ask 1 more person right now to sign the petition This could be the person who you last messaged or called, the person you are sat next to or someone you haven’t spoken to for a while and would like an excuse to get in touch with! It doesn’t sound like much, but every person makes a huge impact to our campaign. You may be surprised how much people want to help and how happy they are to hear from you.

We have been blown away by your messages, memories and stories of Ravenswood, these mean so much to us, please do keep sending these through, you can also read the latest stories of the Ravenswood villagers here

Ravenswood truly means the world to the 96 people living here today. It is their happy home where they feel loved, free and able to achieve anything. Devastatingly, there are 2,070 people with complex learning disabilities and autism stuck in hospitals / institutions in the UK today, allegedly because there isn’t enough suitable homes to meet their needs. Even worse than this, 100 of these people have been held there for twenty years, just for being disabled. This is the reality people like us have been living with for decades. One of these people is Tony Hickmott, you can read his story on BBC News here:

A big thank you again to you all for your love and support, we are so grateful for the community spirit and kindness. Thank you also to the amazing Ravenswood staff who are the soul of the Village, bringing joy and exceptional quality of care to our community.

Once again, please take 1 minute and ask 1 more person right now to sign the petition


Author: Jasmine Zivari