Action for Botton

"Action For Botton is a network of friends and professionals who know Botton well, admire their values and way of living together, determined to support and find support for Botton now". Presnts one view of Botton Village's future; for the alternative see entry for Camphill Village Trust in this directory.


Advance: a registered provider of social housing; a charitable organisation, specifically an Industrial Provident Society; provides housing and support for adults with learning disabilities or mental health conditions.



Camphill Village Trust: a charity supporting adults with learning disabilities, mental health problems and other special needs ... in their home life, work, social and cultural activities, through nine urban and rural communities in England.

Disability Rights UK

Disability Rights UK was formed in 2012 through a unification of Disability Alliance, Radar and National Centre for Independent Living. Disability Rights UK works to create a society 'where everyone with experience of disability or health conditions can participate equally as full citizens'. Publishes an excellent range of resources, including its annual Disability Rights Handbook.

Housing and Support Alliance (HSA)

Housing and Support Alliance (HSA): a national charity and membership organisation working with people with learning disabilities, families, advocacy organisations, housing and support providers, and commissioners; offers an excellent and wide range of resources and information

Housing LIN (Extra care housing)

The Housing Learning and Improvement Network (Housing LIN): promotes innovation in the delivery of housing care and services for older and vulnerable people, e.g. Extra Care Housing

Inside Housing

Inside Housing; magazine website; covers all aspects of housing; some content relevant to learning disability and supported living, tenancies, housing law etc.

Rossendale Trust

The Rossendale Trust supports over 60 people in supported living accommodation in Derbyshire in houses and new purpose-built apartments; also provides a wide range of daytime activities and opportunities (media cooking and music to sporting and outdoor leisure pursuit etc.) through its Oakwood facility