
TheyWorkForYou - Useful search tool for locating speeches or for following topics discussed in Parliament, i.e. in the Commons, the Lords , or in Committee; register to receive alerts based on your specific interest or concern

Understanding Intellectual Disability and Health

Understanding Intellectual Disability and Health is a website intended for health and social care professionals; but also an excellent source of factual information for carers and families - a specific 'Family' section comprises several interesting articles; recognises that many people with intellectual disabilities live at home with their families, and that valuing parents' views and their knowledge of their children is crucial to the effective provision of health care

Whistleblowing Helpline

Whistleblowing Helpline website: advice for actual or potential whistleblowers in wide range of social and healthcare contexts; assumed higher profile after Winterbourne View case; its Useful Links section cites most regulatory bodies in UK

Young Carers

Young Carers (YCNet) offers an online support service for young people aged 18 and under in the UK who look after someone in their family with an illness, disability , addiction or mental health condition; young carers can access to help and advice via the Agony Aunt pages, email and chat sessions with an Online Support team