Donate to rescare

Rescare welcomes all donations – which it will use to sustain and grow it’s projects for families. Our primary focus is our Campaign – Our Life Our Choice.

More about Our Life Our Choice can be found here –

How to Donate to Rescare

There are various ways to make your donation – and if you are a UK taxpayer, please don’t forget to Gift Aid it! 


PayPal If you would like to make a regular or single donation to Rescare, just click on the button  

Bank Transfer

Unity Trust Bank Sort Code: 60-83-01 Acct No: 20445441 Account Name: Rescare

Gift Aid it!

If you are a UK taxpayer then Rescare can claim Gift Aid on your donation. This increases the value of the donation by 25% at no cost to you! So a £10 donation would be worth £12.50 to Rescare.

To be sure Rescare can claim the extra 25%, please return a Gift Aid Declaration with your cheque. To access a Declaration in Word format or to access it in PDF format.

Every penny helps – thank you for donating, and for gift aiding!  


  • Everyclick donations may be made anonymously
  • Everyclick donations are secure
  • Everyclick allows you to fundraise as you shop online via 'Give as you Live'
  • Everyclick allows you to create fundraising pages and collect sponsorship online
  • Everyclick allows you to build fundraising groups at school, college, work etc.

“Rescare’s help is a life-line for families. It offers companionship, practical help and real expertise in navigating the minefield of social care.”.

Rescare Supporter