The unfolding events at Botton Village, and the campaign of the Action for Botton group, are now attracting wider media attention. (The Whitby Gazette, BBC Television News, BBC News website, Guardian Society, The Northern Echo).
Latest news (from The Northern Echo, Wednesday 17 September 2014):
A WOMAN with Down’s syndrome who has lived within a family-style community since she was a child has made an impassioned plea to the charity that runs it to scrap proposed changes to its ethos…
Previous news items
* The Northern Echo, 18th August 2014: Lawyers called in after residents and carers at community for people with learning disabilities told not to hold protest vigil. “Campaign group, Action for Botton, held a candlelit vigil in protest to the plans on Sunday evening – but it almost did not go ahead because Camphill Village Trust (CVT) told residents and their co-workers they did not have permission because residents had not undergone a ‘capacity assessment.’ The service at Danby Church began after North Yorkshire County Council lawyers confirmed that the trust had no right to prevent it taking place.”
* On 8th July 2014, under the headline “Fears ‘unique’ community spirit of Botton Village to be destroyed” the Whitby Gazette, the newspaper local to Botton Village, reported on the changes being implemented by the Camphill Village Trust (CVT) and how the campaigning group Action for Botton is opposing those changes. The full article can be read in the Gazette online.
* On 25th July by a news-item on the BBC’s regional news program ‘Look North’. The BBC reporting team were denied access to the village itself and thus to residents on site. A full video of this news item is now available via a BBC News York and North Yorkshire webpage, headlined “Botton Village home ‘destroyed’ by changes”
* On 30th July, reporter Hannah Fearn published an article in the Guardian Society Section, headlined “Communities for learning disabled residents face split after reform row. Conflict over pay and values threatens way of life in Camphill villages where disabled and able-bodied people work together, say campaigners” which provides a detailed background on how the current situation at Botton has been arrived at.
* On 12th August, the Northern Echo featured an article entitled “Protests over changes to running of North Yorkshire community” . It describes the campaign of the Action for Botton group, and the level of support it is receiving in Danby (the village closest to Botton. It reports that on Sunday, August 17, the group will be holding a candlelit vigil at Danby Church at 6.30pm, before walking towards the village with lanterns.