Learning disability and eye tests.
A quick reminder of the work of SeeAbility I attended some Public Health England (PHE) events in 2018, where discussions fed into PHE’s proposals for the priorities in the NHS Long Term Plan published this spring. One event included a presentation by SeeAbility, which was a bit of an eye-opener (pun intended). The key statistic […]
London Meeting – Saturday 21st September
A final reminder that Rescare will be holding a special meeting this Saturday at the NCVO buildings near Kings Cross. The main theme is Learning Disability and the Law, but other current issues will be discussed. The meeting is open to Rescare members and non-members. Members were notified via a flyer enclosed with the recent […]
Appointment of first doctor specialising in profound and multiple learning disabilities promised for this year
I think (know) that we have said this before: They do things differently in the Netherlands (and usually it seems for the better). According to this recent article in the Guardian the first doctor specialising in profound and multiple learning disabilities is due to be appointed in the UK later this year, following a Dutch […]
The emotional impact of parenting a learning disabled child
I have just been alerted by Rescare trustees to a post on the Special Needs Jungle forum entitled ‘The emotional impact of parenting a disabled child’. The article cites especially the resources available on the website Affintyhub.uk , created by Jo Griffin, a Counselling Psychologist and a parent carer. Here, when faced with (sadly typical) […]
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Funding
Two debates this week in Parliament focused on the crisis in Special Education provision. One particular focus was on the financial strains that a dysfunctional system is imposing on both local authorities and parents, whilst simultaneously setting them up against each other via a failing assessment and appeals processes. Another issue considered was the (rising) […]
Psychiatric Detention under the Mental Capacity Act 2005. Concerns over future safeguards.
Warning this is a bit complicated! “The dividing line between the use of the MHA and the MCA DOLS is fiendishly complicated (a senior judge described it as like putting your head inside a washing machine and spin dryer)”. Lucy Series (legal expert, academic and blogger) has just published a thorough but informative blog article […]
Angry Reaction to Health Secretary’s ATU Review Proposal
We have previously cited and endorsed journalist Ian Birrell’s scathing articles on the treatment of children and adults with autism and learning disabilities in ‘secure hospital facilities’ i.e. Assessment and Treatment Units (ATUs). Ian has now reacted angrily to Health Secretary Matt Hancock’s commissioning of an ‘investigation’ by the CQC (“yet another review”) Please now […]
‘Shock’ Report on Mortality Rates
Having recently attended events organised by Public Health England around the topic of how to improve the health and consequent life expectancy of people with a learning disability, and aware of the findings of previous research on the issue stretching back beyond the Marmot Report of 2010, (sadly) I was not surprised by the contents […]
Reaction as Government Proposes Amendments to the Mental Capacity (Amendment) Bill
The Bill is progressing through Parliament, and reached the report stage this week (21st Nov). Ahead of this milestone, the Government has now published its amendments to the Bill. These amendments are described by Alex Ruck Keene as ‘long-awaited’ in his post on the Mental Capacity Law and Policy website . Thankfully for the lay-person, […]
Minister orders review of treatment of ‘patients’ in secure hospitals
Headline on Sky News website last week (4th Nov): “Review ordered into ‘barbaric’ treatment of patients with autism and learning disabilities More than 2,300 people have been treated in secure hospitals since 2015 where practices include the seclusion of patients”. Please read the full story