St Christopher’s – Bristol – October 2023 St Christopher’s School was founded postwar in 1945 by Catherine Grace OBE, a medical secretary, as a residential Steiner school for children with learning difficulties. It began with only six pupils and expanded over time to a peak of 50 children and young people, most of them from the Bristol area. This is important because […]
Top tips for parent/carers with children who have a learning disability/autism – October 2023
This blog is written by Michelle Nicholson, volunteer with lived experience on behalf of Rescare. Having an autistic child or child with SEN needs can be challenging. It’s not like we get taught what to do at school or by others, it’s something we often have to just figure out on our own, often without […]
Our Life Our Choice Update by David Wilks – October 2023
More Communities threatened with closure. Our campaign to get the wording of Right Support Right Care Right Culture changed has never been more needed. In the last six weeks Hft have given the residents of Walberton Sussex three months’ notice of eviction. Fortunately, families are fighting back with a lot of support from the Furlong […]
Hear from our Chair Anita Bennett – October 2023
Rescare has been part of our family’s lives for over thirty years, and so it is with sadness and pride that I write this. Doctors hid the fact that my baby daughter had Downs Syndrome from me for five days, and the midwives were banned from telling me the truth. So when on the fifth […]
Rescare Advocacy Service – Pilot Launched | 6.6.23
Thanks to a further Awards for All grant, in 2023 we have set up a pilot advocacy scheme to help Rescare members who have been in touch with our services and who seem to need a one to one service to help guide them through a particularly difficult problem. The contact is mostly by phone […]
Tiny Fragments of Beautiful Light – Theatre Review | 6.2.23
Written by Nicola Zielinski Project & Public Engagement Officer – Rescare Auntie to James who has Autism What a great end to a week by being able to visit a theatre I have never been to before in the heart of Newcastle but also to watch a show which of course is close to […]
Mental Capacity Act (MCA): e-Learning course – 10.10.22
Here at Rescare, we always stand by the principle that we want to educate our members and ensure that you are equipped to feel like the expert in the room at key meetings that you are attending for and behalf of your family. The Social Care Institute for Excellence are delivering a FREE online course […]
Fundraising for Rescare – TEAM 108 Sun Salutation Challenge
It is 22 days until summer solstice and as part of a community effort in the North-East White Tiger Yoga will be guiding a group of people through 108 sun salutations with support from local small business Aroha Healing. The team of people taking part in the yoga challenge are calling themselves TEAM 108. […]
Protecting human rights in care settings | Rescare Parliamentary Committee Submission
In October 2021 Rescare made a submission to the Parliamentary committee who were calling for evidence in terms of Protecting human rights in care settings. The Committee were interested to hear the responses to the following questions: What human rights issues need to be addressed in care settings in England, beyond the immediate concerns arising […]
Caring for Carers
Rescare: The society for families of children and adults with learning disabilities are working in partnership with Signpost Stockport for Carers Do you care for a family member who is 18+ with learning disabilities? We are pleased to introduce and welcome you to a series of events for carers in Stockport. The Caring […]